Phuong's love for photography stems from her dad's own love for it. He owned a manual camera when she was young and taking family pictures was always a part of celebrations big and small.
Her first memory of being a "photographer" was during a 3rd grade school field trip. Her group was exploring a park and Phuong was inspired to capture and document their findings with her little point-and-shoot camera. She remembered her teacher commenting, "What a good photographer you are!" Little did she know that that was the beginning of a lifelong love affair.
Capturing moments of her life and those around her became second nature. She is drawn to soft romantic colors but cannot deny her attraction to a beautiful pop of bold color as well. She loves happy moments, pretty things, and natural lighting. Her images are mellow and quietly beautiful.
In Spring of 2016, Phuong took a dream solo trip to Japan to photograph and enjoy the fleeting beauty of the sakura season. She accomplished another goal after this trip by self-publishing her first photo book. The book, titled "Good Morning Japan: 30 Days of Sweetness in Kyoto, Tokyo, and more!" was successfully funded through Kickstarter.
She wants her photos to bring happiness, inspire others to travel near or far, and for them to notice and appreciate their own little random happiness.
Other than photography, she loves to spend time with her family, travel, play tourist in her own city, bake, indulge in afternoon teas, and create content for her YouTube channel.